Filme em live-action do Dragon Ball Z

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Believe it or not, will leave a film in live action (with flesh and blood actors) de Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z, the series of manga and anime created by Akira Toriyama, told on the big screen saga Son Goku, a youngster super strong super strong (and monkey tail) what, along with a strange supporting cast, looking for the seven Dragon Balls. Together, these magical objects invoke the powerful Shen-Long Dragon, which will hold a desire (any desire) for those who invoked.

I Their I never thought that one day it would happen. Um filme do Dragon Ball Z Their I had never entered my mind, without imagination. Who will love it (or not) are my colleagues, highly addicted to this drawing.


  1. to with a precentimento bad about it
    The film's director and a very good (to a fla worse).
    So I hope that the actors are able fikar similar to the characters in the anime / manga,because the major difference was the way Goku and the other was a pure action


  2. Or that is written wrong?

    “Dragon Ball Z” you do not write well, or is error in the text?

    Se for o “EU together Pensei…”, I've corrected.

    (constructive criticism help improve)


  3. first…for guys talk dragon ball, you guys should learn to write, eu sou fan de dragon ball a 12 years, watched all the episodes and movies, and know that if they make a movie dragon ball the same way and anime…then it will be a success, I am promoter anime events, my name is: Akila same…I do FAME X event and we are already the third event if we get the film with lacaremos sure the evevto…


  4. I TBMM not happened but Eso want to see hope q has continued after gocu tenque becomes saigin or quiseja the level 1 !


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