Remote access

Problema acesso remoto DVR “Login failed. Please check your network environment.”

Problem DVR Remote Access “Login failed. Please check your network environment.”

less than 1 minute In some cases even after enable ActiveX in Internet Explorer, You may give an error with the message: Login failed. Please check your network environment. Often the cause of this error is that the DVR is not compatible with new versions of IE. This can be remedied in a simple manner, configuring compatibility view. To do this, just go to Tools > Settings Compatibility View mode. And add the IP or domain to the mode of Continue

Principais aplicativos para acesso remoto de câmera e DVR no celular (android)

Major applications for camera and DVR remote access on mobile (android)

less than 1 minute After you have configured remote access a difficulty that many find, is the question of which application to use to access their cameras on cell phone. Typically each device has its own application, that comes with the installation CD, but nowadays there is a very wide range of equipment “generic” you don't have an application, and does not itself described which application to use. If you don't know which app to use on your camera or DVR, see the list below for applications Continue