How to install uTorrent on Ubuntu 14.4

Reading time: less than 1 minute

µTorrent, also known as uTorrent, is a client application for the BitTorrent protocol distributed as freeware for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Before it was only also usable on Linux through Wine and / or Cedega, but now the program has its own version of Linux platform, based on Debian, As or Ubuntu.

Instalando uTorrent Server 3.3

1º Step: Download the latest version of uTorrent Sever

– The version Ubuntu 13.3 also works in Ubuntu 14.4

2º Step: Extract the uTorrent file

– Open the terminal and change directory to the Downloads folder

 cd Downloads

– UTorrent extract the files to the / opt

 sudo tar xvzf utserver.tar.gz -C /opt/

3º Step: setting permissions

– Configure as permições da pasta do uTorrent-server

 sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/

4º Step: Creating reference link

– Run the command to create the uTorrent reference link to the / user / bin

 sudo ln -s /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/utserver /usr/bin/utserver

5º Step: Start or uTorrent

 utserver -settingspath /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/

– If the error that is missing from the package, run the following command to install the package, and then try to start again uTorrent.

 sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8:i386

6º Step: Not entering uTorrent

– Open Firefox and go to the address:


– The user is admin and password leave blank.



  1. Very show the tutorial.

    But every time I start the system I have to type the command

    utserver -settingspath /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/

    or have any way to make it automatic?


  2. Super right guy. It was mass. Congratulations and thank you.

    Now I need to know how to make use. kkkkk


    1. Good afternoon,

      Glad everything worked out. To use, you will enter the page http://localhost:8080/gui, put the user admin e dar enter. Within the uTorrent page has an address bar where says Paste a torrent or feed URL, you will paste the URL of the torrent that the address bar and click go Add.

      Any questions please contact again.


  3. great matter, but only managed to enter the pay of utorrent using the following command utserver -settingspath / opt / utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3 / -daemon
    without this -daemon the page is blank


    1. Good Morning,

      Glad you liked it, and that in the end everything worked there. Thank you for sharing your solution, will help others who have the same problem. God bless you.


    2. Did not work, some other solution?


  4. otimo tutorial, thank you so much, after searching the net a lot and never found one that really worked on my ubuntu 14.04, I will even save bookmark if you need again


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